Tuesday, 1 March 2011

We don't get out much!

Jodie Jacobs
The night out bowling was a huge success: our Company Manager had organised us into six teams of six, together with an appointed Captain for each team and it was great to let off some steam (this week's pic shows Jodie in celebratory mood after achieving her first strike) and to observe the differing styles of said Captains: to the left of my team, Mike P was showing model Captain-like behaviour - ever encouraging and applauding his people, commiserating when appropriate (another 'gutter ball' and zero score) and spurring the team on to greatness, partly through his own example of getting numerous strikes and high scores of his own. To our right, Simon H's approach was somewhat different: at each less-than-perfect performance by his team (and particularly as the evening wore on and concentration was patchier) he remonstrated with: "focus! bloody focus!" and proceeded to show everyone how it should be done with focus and skill, going on to win the coveted 'highest scoring individual' award by repeatedly clearing all the pins - stylish geezer...
Our own Captain, Lindsey, had a style all of her own, standing at the back of the action, pint in hand, calmly observing and nonchalantly walking forward to take her turn when necessary. Only on the bus going home, when it was announced that our team had been the highest scoring one, did she let her true excitement show, leaping up to perform a victory dance, while I seem to remember yours truly swinging up on to the bus bars and executing some extraordinary moves, so overwhelmed were we both at our unexpected success.
When our rowdy bunch eventually filed off the (school) bus, I thanked the bus driver and apologised for the noise, explaining: "We don't get out much!"

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