Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Another Time, Another Place

Another Place
Moving on each week can be, to say the least, discombobulating. Week five was Plymouth - great big, lively audiences and a bit of sunshine despite the cold. Then it was Liverpool...which I was very excited about as it's a city that's new to me and there is so much to see, including Antony Gormley's Another Place: the 100 self-study cast-iron sculptures, all looking out to sea, set along 3 kilometres of the foreshore and almost 1 km into the sea, which just happened to be directly in front of the house I was staying in that week, hence my pic. The Gormley figures just seemed very appropriate somehow - looking out and away to some other destination, as we constantly do on this tour.
When the curtain comes down on a Saturday night it's all about packing up and working out where you're going next, and when and how. Many of the cast will drive off home (to arrive at 2, 3 in the morning?) directly after we finish. The rest of us get up early on the Sunday and complete the next stage by car, by train, plane or whatever. If you're lucky you get to spend the night in your own bed before landing in another unfamiliar one, somewhere far away.

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